Below you will find our journal of published reflexology research studies sorted into categories and listed in alphabetical order to assist you to find the research studies that you are interested in, whether you are just curious, writing an article or book, or conducting your own research.

The majority of more recent research studies published have been conducted by medical professionals in medical settings with medical populations - often acute. So, health conditions that do not fall into those categories, as well as the benefits for healthy people appear under represented.

It is good to be aware that the quality of the design of research studies varies considerably. This is often especially true for older studies that broke the ground for other better designed studies that followed. However, you are encouraged to have a critical approach to the studies, and, be cautious when quoting published research studies that are of a lesser quality. One research study, however well designed, does not produce definitive information. Numerous studies with similar results provide a more conclusive picture.

Nonetheless, I hope that you are impressed with the numbers of published research studies that have been conducted around the world. If you are aware of any study that is not included, please forward the details to me by email for inclusion.


Click on a category below to open it’s page.